
Supplier Audit Question List/QuickCheck Software

Sibel Taşhan Yurtseven

It contributes to the development of your suppliers with the supplier audit question list, so you can improve your quality organically. If you want to continuously improve the management system you implement, you need to work with the appropriate suppliers or develop their systems to fit your management system.

The best way for you to control the functioning of the supplier; their audit on a list of supplier audit questions prepared by a competent person. For the definition of competent person here, it can be an auditor who makes an active audit, or a system administrator, consultant, trainer who has completed all necessary training.

In order to develop and improve the supplier, it is expected that the supplier's non-compliances will develop by closing the root causes according to the supplier audit question list. In the standards studied on product safety; For example, in BRCGS, IFS and FSSC, it is clearly stated under which conditions suppliers will be audited on site with a supplier audit question list.

In order to protect and increase your product quality, it is not enough to just produce the product with high quality. Companies that store the product you produce on your behalf until it reaches the end consumer should store your product under appropriate conditions at your dealers and branches. Checking their conditions with the on-site supplier audit question list is just as important as your supplier audit.

If you say "The supplier audit question list that I have prepared is sufficient and fully meets the needs of my company", you can start the audit immediately in the field with the supplier audit question list you have uploaded, by uploading your question list in excel form on the Suswise Question List/QuickCheck Application.

Preparing a supplier audit questionnaire requires a certain level of competence and experience. If you do not have the experience to prepare the list in question, or if you need a more detailed list of questions to improve your system, you can purchase the supplier audit question list you need from the experienced professionals we call Suswiser at Suswise and start implementing it immediately.

While creating the supplier audit question list, the score given in Suswise for each question allows you to make a more effective comparison for each section at the end of the audit. For example; You can make a comparison that while the production department is 80% successful at the end of the inspection, the maintenance department is 70% successful. In addition, when creating the supplier audit question list, the score given in Suswise for each question not only allows you to effectively compare the sections, but also compare your internal audit success rate in 2021 with your success rate in 2022. You can compare the success percentages of your internal audit suppliers in the same year, and you can also follow the development status of the same supplier in the last five years with the Suswise Question List/QuickCheck application.

While you are inspecting with a phone or tablet in the field, after you write the nonconformity in the relevant question according to the supplier inspection question list, you can take a photo of it and upload it to the system. Thus, you get rid of the trouble and waste of time combining the question list and the photo on the computer. Thanks to the supplier audit question list, you can instantly assign a task for the nonconformity you wrote while performing the audit. You can choose your teammate, the deadline, to whom you will assign the task; If necessary, you can request root cause analysis. After the task is closed, you can appoint the approver to control the task. Thus, you will get rid of the trouble of writing nonconformities, assigning tasks for nonconformities and wasting time after the audit.

By following the nonconformities you wrote while performing the audit according to the supplier audit question list, on a single page; If necessary, they can close the tasks assigned to them with root causes and send them to the person who approves them with closing photos. Approvers can also manage all approval processes on a single screen. If he does not find the evidence sent for approval sufficient, he may reject it and send it back.

The authorized person who performs the audit in accordance with the supplier audit question list checks the status of all tasks from a single screen via the Suswise Question List/QuickCheck application.

It is as important as performing an audit to produce a detailed report from it. Thanks to the Suswise Question List/QuickCheck application, you can not only get reports based on scoring, but also generate detailed reports on the following:

• Percentage of success on a departmental basis when you perform the first audit,

• The percentage of success that changes as the tasks are completed,

• pending, completed and expired tasks by departments,

• pending, completed and expired tasks by department,

• You can see the assigned person, the start and end date of the task, the completion status of the task, the completion date of the task, the actions taken to close the nonconformity and the root cause details at any time regarding the nonconformities.

In the supplier audit question list that you send to the supplier, the worry of "I sent the question list, but did I fill it out?" disappears. Or, when you have too many suppliers, trying to find the sent question list in your e-mail, and not being able to find it due to audit stress, it is also solved with the Suswise Question List/QuickCheck application.

With the QuickCheck application, you can track who your supplier has assigned to his teammates for the nonconformities you have opened after the supplier audits, and whether the tasks are closed on time or not, with the QuickCheck application, if you do not find the actions taken by the supplier sufficient, you can reject them on the system and ask them to take more action.

You can use the QuickCheck application to check your current system with a list of questions, or to set up a new system or to start a new project, you can immediately start using the question lists prepared for you by our experienced Suswisers. This time, you can use the Suswise QuestionList/QuickCheck Application to manage your project and assign tasks. You can use it to keep track of assigned tasks, to check if they are done on time.

You can reach the list of questions you need to perform your supplier audit in a healthy way with the supplier audit question list, by clicking the link below:


Prepared by: Sibel Taşhan Yurtseven, Lead Auditor for GFSI Approved Standards