Halise Yıldırım
Health and Agricultural Technician
IFS Pathway Publisher

Corporate structure

It is a package of documents that explain how food safety culture is in the enterprise and how it can be improved and includes the following documents: 1."Food Safety Development and Monitoring Instruction": Food Safety Culture is the shared values, beliefs and norms that influence the mindset and behavior towards food safety throughout an organization. Food safety culture has a level of maturity within the enterprise. This shows how the business makes food safety decisions and the extent to which food safety is prioritized in the day-to-day decisions and actions of people in the business. It is an instruction that explains in detail how to determine the culture level and how to develop a culture culture with this culture level. 2-"Food Safety Culture Survey": It is aimed to evaluate the current situation by conducting this survey, which has ready questions, to the personnel. The evaluation of the survey is made according to the points received and how the score equivalent will be evaluated is also detailed in the survey. 3-"Food Safety Culture Maturity Level List": After the current situation determination with the survey, the maturity level of the enterprise is determined with this list. It was carried out in an exemplary application within the document. 4-"Food Safety Culture Action Plan": It is the table where the actions to be taken for improvement are determined according to the culture survey and maturity level table. It was carried out in an exemplary application within the document.
Existing Standards
FSSC 22000, BRCGS Start V1, BRCGS, IFS, BRC, IFS Food V7, BRCGS Food, IFS Food, BRCGS Start, BRC Food, BRC Food V8, BRCGS Food V8, FSSC 22000 Food V5.1, IFS Global Markets Food V2, BRC Start, BRC Start V1, FSSC 22000 Food
Talimat, Form, Liste, Anket
kültür, gıda güvenliği kültürü, anket
Attached Files
1.Food Safety Cultur Development and Monitoring Instruction.docx
2.Foof Safety Culture Survey.docx
3.Food Safety Culture Maturity Level List.docx
4.Food Safety Culture Action Plan.docx