The stability evaluations to be made by the manufacturers of cosmetic products while determining the shelf life are important for the product to be included on the label and for the situations in which the expiry date should be specified after opening, and for the consumer to be able to understand the information about the expiration date.This document has been prepared as a detailed guide by scanning international and national resources and Pharmacopeia to explain how stability and shelf life studies should be done in the cosmetic industry. By This Document,
1-Definition of stability and related concepts
2-Stability test types (formal stability study, minimum endure/durability time, real-time stability study, in-use stability, tracking stability)
3-Basic principles to be applied in stability studies
4-Necessary conditions for a stability study
5-Preparation of stability samples,
6- Preparation of stability protocol, determination of tests and monitoring
7-Properties and conditions that must be preserved at the end of the stability test,
8-Identification of necessary conditions (at temperature and relative humidity) and stability periods for studies
9-You will have detailed information on how to evaluate stability data.