Halise Yıldırım
Health and Agricultural Technician
IFS Pathway Publisher

Good Acceptance, Storage, Shipment

1.1.''Storage Management instruction'' is the document in which the details of the storage activities implemented in the enterprise are explained. 1.2.''Storage Contamination Risk Analysis'' is a document that evaluates the weaknesses in terms of food safety during storage processes. 1.3.''Storage temperature control form'' is the form prepared for the purpose of monitoring the temperature controls of the areas at certain intervals when the storage activities are carried out under special temperature conditions. 1.4.''Warehouse entry form'' is the form in which the products are registered before they are taken to the storage areas. 1.5.''Warehouse exit form'' is the form in which the products leaving the warehouse are recorded. 2.1.''Transport Safety Procedure'' is the procedure in which the precautions to be taken on the basis of food safety during the transportation of the products are explained. 2.2.''Loading control form'' is the form in which the controls of the vehicles and products are recorded during the shipment of the products.
Existing Standards
FSSC 22000, BRCGS Start V1, BRCGS, IFS, BRC, IFS Food V7, BRCGS Food, IFS Food, BRCGS Start, BRC Food, BRC Food V8, BRCGS Food V8, FSSC 22000 Food V5.1, IFS Global Markets Food V2, BRC Start, BRC Start V1, FSSC 22000 Food
Prosedür, Talimat, Form, Risk Analizi
depolama, sevkiyat, risk
Attached Files
1.1Storage Management Instruction.docx
1.2Storage-born Contamination Risk Assesment.xlsx
1.3Storage Temperature Control Form.docx
1.4Storage Entry Form.docx
1.5Storage Output Form.docx
2.1Transport Safety Procedure.docx
2.2Loading Control Form.docx