Halise Yıldırım
Health and Agricultural Technician
IFS Pathway Publisher

Management commitment

It is a package containing the following documents included in the top management commitment in accordance with Food Safety Standards: 1.Example of "Food Safety and Quality Management System Policy" 2."Quality and Food Safety Targets Table" and sample targets 3.Example of "Organization Chart" for a small and medium-sized organization 4. "Management Responsibility Procedure" explaining how management review meeting and food safety team meetings should be held and which topics should be included 5. "Management Review Meeting Form" including the details of the items required to be discussed by the management at the review meeting according to GFSI approved standards 6. "Quality and Food Safety Meeting Form" including the details of the items required to be discussed in monthly food safety team meetings according to GFSI approved standards.
Existing Standards
FSSC 22000, BRCGS Start V1, BRCGS, IFS, BRC, IFS Food V7, BRCGS Food, IFS Food, BRCGS Start, BRC Food, BRC Food V8, BRCGS Food V8, FSSC 22000 Food V5.1, IFS Global Markets Food V2, BRC Start, BRC Start V1, FSSC 22000 Food
Prosedür, Form, Politika, Tablo
politika, hedef, organizasyon, organizasyon şeması, ygg, toplantı, tutanak
Attached Files
1Food Safety And QMS Policy.docx
2.Food Safety and Quality And Food Safety Target Table.docx
3.Organization Chart.docx
4.Management Responsibility Procedure.docx
5.Management Review Meeting Form.docx
6.Monthly Quality And Food Safety Meeting Form.docx