
BRCGS Documents

Why are BRCGS documents needed? 

BRCGS, in standards such as food and packaging, while determining its own rules, for each rule, that is, the standard item, to clearly express whether it wants a document or good manufacturing practice in that item. uses codes. Green color means document in the relevant standard article, orange color means good manufacturing practice, and using green and orange together means that both document and practice are required in that article. 

In 167 of the 285 articles of the standard, approximately 60%, it explicitly mentions the document requirement. For the remaining good manufacturing practices clauses, document will be required since the rule you wrote to describe your practices within the business applies.

Halise Yıldırım
Health and Agricultural Technician
Halise Yıldırım
Health and Agricultural Technician
Halise Yıldırım
Health and Agricultural Technician
Elif Onbaşı
Food Safety Consultant
Halise Yıldırım
Health and Agricultural Technician
Halise Yıldırım
Health and Agricultural Technician
Mehtap Çeliker
ISO9001 Lead Auditor
Halise Yıldırım
Health and Agricultural Technician
Sibel Taşhan Yurtseven
BRCGS ve FSSC Onaylı Başdenetçi/Gıda Yüksek Mühendisi
Mehtap Çeliker
ISO9001 Lead Auditor
Neslihan İlbasan
Quality Manager
Halise Yıldırım
Health and Agricultural Technician